We’re happy to announce that a new, mobile-friendly version of our FaithCrisis website is now live!
First launched in 2004, FaithCrisis.com is dedicated to helping people who are struggling through a personal “dark night of the soul.” These crucial turning points are quite common in human life, but rarely talked about. At these tender times in the spiritual life of a growing soul, it is really hard to find a source of unbiased help, or even an understanding ear.
Today people around the world are being shaken by unprecedented difficulties. More people than ever are facing a crisis of faith, and need somewhere to turn. Regaining one’s faith requires dedication, inquiry, and impartial guidance from someone who understands how to navigate these challenging issues.
We have learned through our own experience, as well as from helping others, that having a crisis of faith may be painful, but it’s not shameful. It can be an opportunity for values clarification and an important step in finding one’s own integrity. A crisis of faith doesn’t need to be a stuck place.
Help is available through FaithCrisis.com free of charge, through online articles and personal correspondence. The website is non-denominational, and it doesn’t encourage leaving or joining any organization or religion. We have no agenda other than to help people find their way through crisis.
Please check out the website, and feel free to share the link with anyone you think can use it. We appreciate your help reaching people who need support now.
Your friends at LoveTrust