Divine Guidance
In our early years together, we did our best to love each other, to unearth and change the separative beliefs and patterns that obstructed our love, and to unselfishly serve the world. The farther we went down that road, the more we came up against our personal limitations in taking each other sensitively and fully into account, and in discerning what would be most right and most helpful in each of the situations and decisions that confronted us.
“Feeling like we’d reached the limits of our personal efforts, we asked for Divine assistance.”
It became clear we needed brighter thoughts, greater love, deeper understanding, and more expansiveness than our limited human perspective permits. Feeling like we’d reached the limits of our personal efforts, we asked for Divine assistance. “My love is not enough. I need Your help. Love through me,” we prayed, not really knowing what to expect. The Divine responded, and when we followed its lead, the advice worked wonders.
Over time each person in the group has evolved their own very personal relationship to God and ways of tuning to the Divine, and all of us have come to rely on and regularly seek God’s support and guidance, individually and for the group.
Our growing experience with the Divine has convinced us that a person needn’t be a great mystic or saint to walk closely with God, hand in hand, and experience God’s personal love, constant presence, and guidance in their own daily lives . . .

. . . it is the birthright of every human being.