
Collusion: Selfishness Disguised as Support

It’s your happy day when you discover that your house is infested with termites. Wait a minute! What’s so happy about that? Well, it’s truly fortunate to find out about a serious but hidden problem that is threatening the very foundations of your home, so you can promptly take care of it. And it’s the same if you’re unknowingly doing something that’s bad for your love relationships—like collusion. You need to know, so you can …

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Your Love Makes a Difference

Dear Friends, The state of the world is on everyone’s mind, and weighs on every sensitive heart. The state of the world. The state of humanity. The growing restlessness and unhappiness of every nation, and of every people. Even if the world in our backyard is not immediately affected, the troubles at a distance are pressing in, almost at each person’s feet, and already affecting our hearts, each and every one of us. The helplessness …

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Your Humanity Is the Answer to All the Ills of this World

Dear Friends, Your humanity is the answer to all the ills of this world. Your humanity. Your humanity is what brings out the humanity in others. Your humanity is what brings out right and loving responses in you, which are essential in these times of social, political, and environmental insecurity. There is a pain in the heart of each of you over the suffering of many people, and over the loss of joy and freedom …

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A Realistic Outlook for Today

Dear Friends, When reading the news and looking at the world around, it’s easy to feel overwhelmed and discouraged. But we need to keep our spirits up, so we can help make things better, in our homes, our communities, and the world. The Realism Card offers support for that. It reminds us that even though there are many things outside our control, our attitude and approach toward life and others is entirely ours to choose. …

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Now Live: New and Improved

Dear Friends, We’re happy to announce that a new, mobile-friendly version of our FaithCrisis website is now live! First launched in 2004, is dedicated to helping people who are struggling through a personal “dark night of the soul.” These crucial turning points are quite common in human life, but rarely talked about. At these tender times in the spiritual life of a growing soul, it is really hard to find a source of unbiased help, …

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