Spiritual growth

Monogamy, Polyamory, and What It Takes to Be Fulfilled

Marriage used to be an essential part of what most people envisioned as a fulfilling life. But times have changed! These days, getting married is not a given for many people, and even what it means to be married is changing. The freedoms of modern life are giving people the opportunity to experiment with new approaches, but modern culture is pretty clueless about what it really means to be fulfilled, and what it takes to …

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David Truman on YouTube: “The Amazing Truth and Purpose of Relationship”

Relationship—we all want it, we all need it, and it kicks our butt. At least, close relationship does. Relationship is so challenging that many people simply give up on relationship, or they avoid the challenge of closeness by keeping their connections casual and superficial. But whenever we sincerely embrace any relationship, even a one-night stand, it challenges us by pulling us out of ourselves, out of our comfort zone, and beyond our personal preferences and …

David Truman on YouTube: “The Amazing Truth and Purpose of Relationship” Read More »

How to Love with All Your Heart: Both Universally AND Personally

Love is a necessity of life; it’s our real soul food. Science will never be able to measure how much love, and what kind of love, a human being requires in order to thrive and grow. But scientific methods aren’t needed. Each of us innately feels it when we don’t have the amount and kind of love in our lives we need to feel fulfilled. Even people with intimate partners, loving family members, and a …

How to Love with All Your Heart: Both Universally AND Personally Read More »

Love Actually IS the Answer

Poets and mystics have said, “Love is the answer.” That rings true, in a lofty, abstract sort of way. But when the world is going up in flames, metaphorically and literally, an abstract answer isn’t what we need. And still, love actually is the answer, a very real, down-to-earth answer. The trouble is, we can’t see it that way until we’re willing to recognize the real problem, and until we’re willing to solve it. Hang …

Love Actually IS the Answer Read More »

Latest YouTube Offering: “Show Me the Ashes, I’ll Show You the Phoenix”

Dear Friends, We are constantly trying to get what we want out of life, in myriad ways. We are always hoping to achieve self-fulfillment through personal striving. And then, when each attempt fails, we dust ourselves off and try again, a little differently each time. But there’s something fundamentally wrong with the entire psychology behind our efforting, and all of it is doomed to fail. In this powerful and illuminating talk, David explains how to …

Latest YouTube Offering: “Show Me the Ashes, I’ll Show You the Phoenix” Read More »

We Shouldn’t Need to Bend Ourselves Out of Shape to be “Normal”

Dr. C, my family’s physician, was in a class by himself. He and I always spent the first fifteen or twenty minutes of my appointments just sitting and chatting, before he ever examined me. He was interested in health, not sickness, and that’s what he promoted. And that’s how he lived: He was a dedicated runner and swimmer and rode his bike to work every day. I’ll never forget him saying, “If I was in …

We Shouldn’t Need to Bend Ourselves Out of Shape to be “Normal” Read More »

Watch on YouTube: “Freedom Is from the Past, in the Heart”

Dear Friends, When people go into therapy or personal reflection, looking for the cause and hopefully the solution to their personal problems, they usually find a cause outside themselves. Something from their past—some hurtful situation, some traumatic event—that now limits them. The trouble is, the past is over. Nothing about it can be changed. So whatever caused their problems is still causing their problems. In this talk, David Truman describes this perennial dilemma and how …

Watch on YouTube: “Freedom Is from the Past, in the Heart” Read More »

Pleasure: A Hidden Test of Love

It’s obvious to everyone that difficulty puts love to the test. But who suspects that pleasure also tests our love? Almost no one. And that’s why we’re blindsided when we’re tested by pleasure, and we so often flunk the felicity test.  We’re not used to thinking of pleasure as a test of love. Isn’t love a wonderful source of pleasure, and a great pleasure in itself? Absolutely! There’s nothing wrong with pleasure, and it’s completely …

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Possessiveness: Selfishness Disguised as Commitment

I still feel a twinge when I think of my high school best friend, Sharon (not her real name). After graduation life pulled us in different directions, and we lost track of each other. But we managed to find each other several years later, and we had a visit I’ll never forget. Sharon told me about her successful professional life and her marriage, which she claimed was a happy one. But later in the conversation …

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Wooden blocks that spell selfish or selfless depending in what position the last block is

Martyrdom: Selfishness Disguised as Service

We human beings are kind, generous, and serviceful by nature. It’s in our DNA to give freely to those we love, to those in need, and ultimately, to everyone in our lives. When done in the right spirit, it’s our pleasure to give. And the pleasure is mutual. But some people are literally “generous to a fault.” They carry giving too far. They exhaust themselves; they go overboard on service, giving beyond what they can …

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